ZEN Hustlers

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Bold Girl Biz founder with Robbie Walls

Featuring: Robbie Walls

Age: 52

Company: The Walls Speak

Title: Podcaster & Coach

HQ City: St. Louis, Missouri

Social: @robbierockchic

Fav #tag: #Forward

Email: robbie@robbiespeaks.com 

Where is your favorite place to visit in the world and why?

I’m sure that would be Hawaii.  I find it fascinating that Hawaii is within the United States and yet you can experience another tropical world that is embedded in the United States.

Who did you want to meet, why? 

So many people in the grave.  But let the dead be dead.

What are you reading right now? 

Generation Why Not” by Ruth Klein

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What are you watching?

Guilty pleasure, Married At First Sight

What do you do to fully relax?

I sit in an infrared hot sauna, sweat, meditate, breath.

When are you most in flow, productive, energized? 

Between 1:00-3:30 pm

Do you meditate or practice mindfulness?

Yes, I meditate using the 6-Phase meditation with Vishen Lakhiani in the morning.  I align my chakras using visualization and crystals. At night I clean my chakras and rest easy with Steve G. Jones.

Who taught you how to hustle?

Growing up I was forced to be a teacher. (Period)... I knew I did not want to be a teacher, but I had too… So in 2008, I could no longer fake the funk I was in! One day while teaching in a classroom of 4th graders, I wrote on the chalkboard “I Done”  … I turned around and announced to the class that I was DONE!  When you are out of alignment with “Who” you are, you learn quickly how to Hustle Hard for “Who” you want to become.

What keeps you up at night?

I try not to let this happen.  I plan my day so that it synchronizes as I want it.

Do you exercise? If so how?

Yes, I do things that interest me and make me happy; yoga, rowing, and pole dancing.   

What communities inspire you?

The C-Suite Network inspires me because it is a community of like-minded individuals that practice gratitude.  

Are you more Hustle or more Zen lately?

Lately, I am more Zen, but Hustle kicks in because the desire to keep grinding does not stop!

Do you meditate and who do you follow or work with?

Yes, Vishen Lakhiani and Kimberly Snyder.  There is also a fantastic app that I highly recommend called Omvana.

What would you do if you did not do your existing work/business?

I would be the host of a travel tv show, where I eat exotic foods, learn the culture and teach viewers all perspectives of life.  Or… Sell on QVC!

How do you define a good work/life balance, and how important do you think it is?

This is very important, your work, life, balance is your focused time.  I divide it into a 4-hour day.   I break the 4 hours up into 1 ½  hr of business, 15m meditation, and the rest is life as a wife, a mother, and the many hats I wear.

How have personal relationships impacted your balance?

You need personal relationships.

What is some advice you would give to new or struggling entrepreneurs/hustlers that seem out of balance?

My big advice… Slow down in order to speed up.  Accomplish what you can do in a day, table the rest for tomorrow.  

How have the 3Ds shaped how you see yourself now?

This is my life in chapters, I will briefly explain the Death I experienced, Divorce, and my wonderful husband Dino.

What is one issue you are out to change in the world?

The inability to read or write for underprivileged children.

Your last 2¢?

Energy is everything, so let your faith be bigger than your fears!


Robbie is a speaker, author, and success coach.  She works with women entrepreneurs on their strategic focus and business goals so that they increase their leadership style and productivity. She is the host of Bold Girl Biz podcast, a show about strong entrepreneurial women who lead with bravery and courage.