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Creating Positive Energy at Work with Theresa Rose • Video Interview


ZEN Hustlers Balance Season 1 • Episode 6


Theresa Rose

Companies: C-Suite Network & Theresa Rose Presents, LLC

Titles: VP, Thought Leadership & Speaker - Author - Coach

HQ: Minneapolis, MN


Social @TheresaRosePresents  ☞

#mindfulperformance #thoughtleadership

Where’s your favorite place to visit in the world and why? 

Northern California, friends, nature, culture, and wine.

Who do you want to meet and why?

Michelle Obama, because I believe she is one of the most inspiring, articulate, powerful women who could help give me some pointers on how not to be a hot mess!

Who did you want to meet and why?

John Lennon, because I believe he had an uncanny ability to use his creativity to further the causes of peace and love.

How does your work fulfill you, your purpose in life?

I LOVE helping people shine -- that’s my reason. I see myself as a human spotlight who helps others get clear on their brilliance and how to amplify as powerfully and strategically as possible!

What are you reading/listening to right now? 

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

What are you watching?

I watch very little television, but the one that I am excited to start is the documentary, Summer of Soul, on Netflix. I not only LOVE that genre of music, I am also wanting to educate myself more fully on life experiences of POC.

What do you do to fully relax?

Walk in the woods, yoga, lay by the pool with a big sun hat on!

When are you most in flow, productive, energized?

When I am dancing!

Do you meditate or practice mindfulness?

Yes, I’m a long-term meditator -- sit every morning before work, nature walks, dancing

Who taught you how to hustle? 

My mom, Kaylene was a single mother of three who started her own business when I was young; I was her sidekick and knew who Napoleon Hill was by the time I was five!

What keeps you up at night? 

The hatred and fear we have of each other, and our climate emergency!

Do you exercise?

Yoga, dancing, walking, and a little strength training.

How does diet and sleep impact you? What are your habits and rituals?

Oh my gosh they are HUGE! I have an awful sugar addiction that I am working through... the better I eat, the better I feel. I make my breakfast muffins on the weekend and freeze them. I pre-make a salad for lunch while I prep my breakfast, and I always have a water bottle nearby.

What communities inspire you?

C-Suite Network of professionals, feel free to message me to be my guest.

Are you more Hustle or more Zen lately? 

Zen thank goodness.

What would you do if you did not do your existing work/business?

Be an inspiring content creator, specifically writing and video.

Be you... own your awesomeness!
— Theresa Rose

How do you define a good work/life balance, and how important do you think it is?

Integrated aspects of ourselves - vocation, relations, home, finance, health, spirit - I think it’s a convenient way to label the destination we all want but never get to. I actually don’t use the phrase because I think it simplifies a very complex dynamic, one we all are juggling!

How have personal relationships impacted your balance?

I am now more than ever aware of others and their impact on my well-being. I have released relationships that are ultimately unhealthy for both of us, and do my best to only attract those who are at a high vibration.

What is some advice you would give to new or struggling entrepreneurs and hustlers that seem out of balance?

Slow down. Get outside. Listen for the nudges.

What advice would you tell your younger self?

Don’t take it personally that you don’t fit the mold of what a successful, valued woman looks or acts like. Be you, own your awesomeness!

What is one issue you are out to change in the world?

I’m a passionate advocate for choosing love over fear in every area of our lives.

What’s your favorite quote, mantra, motto?

Everything in my life I create, promote, or allow.

Last 2¢

My summary of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich: ECONOMICS + ENERGETICS = EXPONENTIAL GROWTH

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Theresa Rose is an engaging speaker, thought leader, and award-winning author of five books including Mindful Performance: How to Powerfully Impact Profitability, Productivity, and Purpose. As the Vice President of Thought Leadership for the C-Suite Network, Theresa works with executives, business owners, investors, and influencers to help them leverage their brands, brilliance, and best selves to grow their businesses and make a bigger impact.

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